NOTE: Plateside has been
acquired by Bump Networks.
Plateside is a new way for you to communicate with others using license plates.
If you see something interesting regarding a vehicle, you can send a message using the license plate as the 'address'. Or, you can just post status updates – and Plateside will forward them to facebook and twitter to keep your friends and followers up–to–date.
We think you'll find many reasons to use Plateside. In fact, once you have Plateside, we think a walk down the street or through a parking lot will never be the same.
Here are some of the things people are using Plateside to say...
- Nice ride!
- I like your plate!
- Where'd you get those wheels?
- What does your vanity plate mean?
- Your car is blocking mine
- You're cute!
- I like your sticker!
- Great day for a drive with the top down!
- Your lights are on
- And more...
NOTE: There are, or soon will be, many apps out there that will let you complain about bad drivers. Our hope is that Plateside doesn't just become another one of those. We think there are so many positive social reasons to connect with other people – and would really like to see Plateside used for those instead.